Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ginormous: The weed that could

No one likes weeds.  They are always taking over everything and such a pain to get rid of.  We've all gone through the phases of embarrassment when it comes to our yards and weeds.  Each day we see our yards and think... Ya, looks good enough today.  I can probably go another week or so before I need to get that weed whacker and knock 'em all down.  We're all willing to sacrifice some embarrassment for not having to weed so often.  So I was wondering... is it possible to have such huge and lush weeds you actually become proud of them?

A regular size weed next to my size 12 boot
My pride and joy (notice the same boot at the bottom)
The weed that all other weeds want to become when they grow up

It even blooms at over 5 feet tall!

The last 10 weeks during spring quarter I completely lost touch with my yard.  It wasn't even on the brain, period!  It was only a couple of weeks ago it finally hit me.  I was walking through the yard towards my front door... and... oh man!!!  Is that a weed?  It was... well... ginormous!  I've never seen anything like it and didn't even know weeds could get so big!  This particular weed is so big that I've actually grown proud of it and am afraid to take it out.  So to answer my earlier question, yes, there does come a time when weeds get so out of control you can actually be proud of them.  But I don't necessarily recommend it.  Neighbors might not share in your delight.

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