Thursday, May 14, 2009

The guys

I'm almost off to work for another 12-hour shift. At least it's not pouring down rain today... well, at least not yet. Some of those clouds up there definitely give it the potential. This weekend is supposed to be fantastic though... I think sunny and mid-70's! Sadly, the rain will be back on Monday, which is when my parents are coming into town. Maybe that rain can hold back for a day or two.

Sadly, no pictures have been taken. I know, I know! I need to get that camera out. I'll do that this weekend, and also when my parents are here... which means lots of new blog entries and pictures next week. Yipee! But today we're going back into the old files again. I thought these two pics were pretty good... so I wanted to share them.

Let's see, this one is of Carl, me and Dan (left to right). These were my best buds in the Air Force and we hung out all the time. Can anyone say cribbage? Which reminds me, if anyone out there knows how to play cribbage, you need to come and visit me. Anyway, Carl is now in Chicago going to school and Dan is living with his wife in Salt Lake City. He is also going to school and working full time.

This next one is of... well, I'm not sure if it even needs a description. I always wondered how it would be feel to be a Green Bay Packers fan. Those crazy cheese-heads!

Alright, that's it for now. I have to get ready for work. Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You don't want to be a cheesehead. Trust me on this. I have lived in or around the GB area all my life and they (the cheeseheads) are all nutz. But then again I am a Viking fan living in cheesehead territory :D
